他に行く所が無くなったので、旅館「湯谷温泉 湯の風 HAZU」に向かって歩き始めました。
As I have nowhere else to go, I started walking to a Japanese style inn “Yuya Onsen Yunokaze HAZU (Yuya Hot Springs The Wind of Hot water HAZU)”.
I had too much time before checking in the inn.
I had applied for a plan like this:
- 19:00以降にチェックイン。 Check in after 19:00.
- 素泊まり。 Stay overnight without meals.
- 山側の部屋に泊まる。(露天風呂から、美しい川を見ることができます。) Stay in a room which is located on a mountain side. (From an open-air bath, you can see a beautiful river.)
- トイレと洗面台は共用。(部屋に専用のものがありません。) While staying at the inn, I have to share a restroom and a washstand. (The room doesn’t have those for exclusive use.)
While I was walking, I saw some blossoms. Are they cherry, peach, or plum?

After sunset, I kept walking in the darkness with just a streak of light from my smartphone.
I bought some food at a drugstore, ate it in the waiting room of a station.
I took a bath twice at night and the next morning.
The inn has both an open-air bath and an indoor bath.
旅館の露天風呂は素晴らしかったです! 川のせせらぎを聞きながら、空を見ました。
The open-air bath of the inn was fascinating! Hearing the murmuring of a stream, I saw the sky.
The quality of the clear, chloride, hot spring was excellent!
The indications are as follows (This onsen is only for bathing, please do NOT drink.) :
neuralgia, myalgia, joint pain, frozen shoulder, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruise, sprain, chronic digestive disease, hemorrhoid, poor circulation / sensitivity to cold, convalescence, recovery from fatigue, health promotion, cut, burn, chronic skin disease, physically weak children, chronic women’s disease
After that, I had a drink after bathing. It tasted like yuzu.
Before departure, I had a bupposo steamed bean jam bun.

I went to Mokkuru Shinshiro by train.
“Mokkuru” is a coinage from “Mokuzai (Timber, Lumber)” and “Kuru (Come)”.
Shinshiro City is famous for forestry.
The roadside station is famous for TKG (Tamago Kake Gohan) breakfast special.
TKG is a Japanese dish that you put an egg on rice.
There are many variations of TKG.
For instance, using a whole raw egg, using only the yolk of an egg (Egg whites are used for another dish), and putting an egg on rice after or without stirring.
If you order Mokkuru Shinshiro’s TKG breakfast special for 600 yen, you have three Onsen Eggs, and you can have as much rice, topping, and coffee as you want.
If you pay an extra 130 yen, you can have miso soup as much as you would like.
The ingredients of the soup were daikon radish, velvet shank mushroom, and bean sprouts.

After breakfast, I bought souvenirs and went back home.
This is a photograph of a stamp and a ticket for TKG Breakfast Special with Miso Soup.

こちらが湯谷温泉 湯の風 HAZUの住所と電話番号です。
This is Yuya Onsen Yunokaze HAZU’s address and telephone number.
〒441-1605 愛知県新城市能登瀬上谷平4-1
4-1 Kamiyadaira, Notose, Shinshiro-shi, Aichi-ken 441-1605, Japan
電話番号 : 0536-35-1176
Telephone Number : 0536-35-1176
This is Mokkuru Shinshiro’s address and telephone number.
〒441-1318 愛知県新城市八束穂五反田329−7
329-7 Gotanda, Yatsukaho, Shinshiro-shi, Aichi-ken 441-1318, Japan
電話番号 : 0536-24-3005
Telephone Number : 0536-24-3005